Advertisements: Good or Bad
I look at many advertisements and have learned a lot about advertising. Something I noticed is the way people advertise. It either says a lot or says nothing at all.
When I watch an advertisement on TV, I sometimes wonder what was actually advertised. I’m often so amused by the story that I never see any sign or name of the product being advertised. Even a logo is important. I like our A1Y and the GDC logo. It does what it should, and it’s colorful.
Photos can do a lot for an ad. The right photo can immediately tell us what it's about, or it can completely mislead us. Photos can be informative or purely entertaining, but they can do nothing to help the cause if chosen poorly.
When I see a photo of a car, the model on the car speaks so loudly that I forget what car it is. When food is shown in a photo, it can either make me hungry or completely steal my appetite. The choice I make must be relevant to what I offer my clients. High-quality photos speak louder than a hundred words.
Advertisements are always subject to time and space. To make the most of the money you spend, make it worth it by selecting the right words or the best photo to represent your product in the most effective way.