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Compion Dorpers & Witdorpers. Ons boer 90km oos van Pofadder, bekend as die Boesmanland, op die plaas Lonziekvlei met Dorpers & Wit Dorpers.
Ons is Stoettelers, maar boer ook kommersieël. Kommersiële diere is afkomstig uit ons stoetteling.
Hilton, ’n druiweboer langs die Oranjerivier, het sy liefde vir diere, en veral vir Dorpers, van sy pa, oom Piet Spangenberg, geërf. Dit is ook die bron waar hy die grondslag van sy kundigheid (en sy eerste ram) gekry het.
We manufacture trailers to the clients specification. Offering custom and standard trailers at the highest quality. Best sellers is Cattle trailers, utility trailers and car trailers. Contact us for free quote and get your own trailer now.
Every Saturday
Livestock Auction at Trio Auctioneers
Sundra, Delmas District
On Auction -
Cattle, Studs, Sheep, Goats, Pigs, Ostriches, Horses, Poultry and more
Auctions Start at 09h30
Click on Website Link below for Terms and Conditions
Best chicken wholesalers on the East Rand situated in Brakpan. We do poultry farming specialising in broilers, layers and nutrition training for chicken-farming, equipment supply and slaughtering. Also pork, beef, sheep and goat-wholesalers and slaughter.
Manna Voere Rustenburg verskaf kwaliteit voer en voeding vir beeste, skape, perde, varke, hoenders, honde en katte.
Supply quality feed for Cattle, sheep, horses, pigs, chicken, dogs and cats.
For the best contact us.
Absolute Feeds Bela Bela Limpopo Game cubes Ivomec Lusern Horse Sheep Dairy meal pellets Cattle Chicken Pig Feed Dog food Maize meal Salt licks Wood shavings Bales Bird seed Aloe lick blocks Whole Chrushed Chopped Maize Ostrich Emu 16% Antelope cubes
Livestock Trading
Wholesale Carcass Brokerage
Buy and Sell of Livestock
Bulk Meat Suppliers of Lamb, Beef and Pork
Sheep, Cattle and Pigs wanted
High demand for Weaner Calves for Feedlots
Contact us for More Info
Samuel Dorpers Rustenburg teel en verkoop kwaliteit Dorper en Witdorper skape. White dorper sheep and Dorper sheep. Volgende veiling einde Augustus te Pretoria Oos. Kontak ons vir meer inligting.
Don en Kie verkoop die volgende lewendig, geslag of opgesny.
Skape, varke, beeste, bokke, hoenders, kalkoene, volstruise en wild seisoenaal en selektief.
Alive, slaughtered and butchered, sheep, pigs, cattle, goats, chicken, turkeys, ostrich and game.
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